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To Vacation or Not to Vacation?

It’s that time of year when Hamlet’s question, “To be or not to be?” seems relevant. The difference is that the question becomes “to vacation or not to vacation?” Unfortunately, for far too many that is the question of the day, especially for the entrepreneur or the small business owner. I’m sure the subject is not a new one for you. However, like most people, you probably need a reminder of why you and nearly everyone else should take a vacation from work. But if the thought of vacation literally makes you break out in hives or leaves you weak in the knees, here are a few reasons you should consider a vacation a must at least once a year:

  1. Taking a vacation helps improve your job performance. When you go on vacation you shut off the task oriented part of your brain, giving it a break. This enables you to re energize so that you are more apt to create and be receptive to new ideas. Problem solving is also improved. Europeans seem to know this and regularly take vacations. Americans and Asians lag far behind.

  2. Vacations are a health benefit. No matter what your job or business might be, there is going to be stress. We all know that relentless stress leads to weight gain, high blood pressure, heart problems, and a host of other health related issues. It also weakens the immune system making you more susceptible to disease.

  3. Vacations improve your relationships with others. If you have a family, spending time focused on activities that promote togetherness and create memories is priceless. In addition, when you take a vacation and actually travel or at least explore your surroundings, you will have more to talk about with your friends.

  4. Vacations provide exposure to different parts of your city, country or the world. You meet new people and observe firsthand new ways of approaching (and appreciating) life. You are sure to learn something new.

The bottom line is that I urge you to take a healthy dose of time out from your work. Create balance in your life. I’m reminded of the saying, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” The saying hasn’t been around for decades without some basis in fact. Think about and then schedule those vacation days! Don’t be like the millions of Americans who, according to a recent survey by Expedia, are very vacation deprived.

When you take that vacation, if you need help managing your business, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can keep your business going in may areas while you take a much needed break. Ask how we at Exceptional Transcription and Business Solutions can help.

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