Is There a Business Card Scanner for You?
Even though the virtual business card is readily available through companies such as Switchit, or vCard Global, it is not completely...

Business or Hobby – Which Do You Have?
Are you operating a business or are you enjoying a hobby? It is up to you to decide if you running a business or if you are indulging a...

Can Your Small Business Recover from a Disaster?
What if your town and your small business were hit by a disaster? Could you recover quickly or would you be in jeopardy of losing your...

Mind Your Good Business Manners
It's incredible how much your manners can say about you. Good manners can be the difference between you getting contract or the job or...

Is Fear Blocking Your Success?
Do you understand just what it is that is holding you back from achieving the success you work so hard for? While you may not be fully...

Change Is Good Business
When it comes to business success, making changes and adaptations can mean the survival and growth of your business. Learn more about...

7 Habits to Develop as a Successful Entrepreneur
Ok. Take a bow and give yourself kudos and high fives if you are an entrepreneur. You are one of those special people who see the world...

Review (or Create) Your Business Strategy in Spring
You take a hard look at your business at the New Year (or at least you should) and formulate your strategic, but do you review your...

5 Trends to Look at for the Small Business 2018
Without question, if you own a small business you must keep up with current trends for small businesses. I’m not advocating that you try...

Words Matter in Business Communication
There is power in words, more power than some understand. The way you use your words can work to either enhance your business or words...