Read This Before You Write That Book
I promised myself that this year would be the year the book that has been sitting in the back of my mind would come out. I’m sure that every New Year nearly all of us make writing a book our goal. However, stop and take a moment to read this. I admonish you not to write that book if you don’t intend to take the project seriously. Here’s why not:
Writing your book will feel like a chore rather than a journey or an adventure. We all know how we feel about chores!
Those who encourage you to write are much more enthusiastic about you writing a book than you are. Maybe they should write their own book! You are only apt to produce a good, finished product if you’re enthusiastic and determined.
Writing a book will not enhance your credibility. This is only true if your book is poorly written, in which case you will actually harm your credibility.
A hastily or poorly chosen topic will produce a book no one is interested in reading. No sales equal no profit. That being said, however, don’t let that stop you if you really feel the book in you must come out. There really is no crystal ball when it comes to what your audience will like.
You can’t invest the time in marketing your book. Writing just for the sake of saying you have written a book could result in a manuscript that goes nowhere. Again, no sales, no profit.
You can’
t commit to ensuring that you will have your book proofed and edited. There is nothing that ruins a potentially good book than bad grammar, misspelled words, and run-on sentences. It is distracting to your readers and shows you are not really invested in the successful outcome of your writing project.
“A book worth writing is worth writing well.”
The bottom line is there are many people who may urge you to write a book and maybe you should, but consider the project carefully. It will take time and it will take commitment to produce even a small book. If you can’t take it seriously, it’s better not to embark on it. If you are serious, then by all means, get busy writing.
Have you considered creating a book? If it isn’t already one of your goals for the New Year, maybe it should be. What would you choose as your topic? We would like to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below. And if we can help with your transcription or business solutions contact us at Exceptional Transcription and Business Solutions.
“But it’s writing…If you can take it seriously, we can do business. If you can’t or won’t, it’s time for you to close the book and do something else. Wash the car, maybe.” – Stephen King